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Magnetic Metering Sensor Kit Installation

Obtain metering data non-invasively

Written by Nick Ahern
Updated over a week ago

This article outlines all of the steps to install and configure the Attune Magnetic Metering Kit

Figure 1. Installed Gas Magnetic Metering Kit

Installing the Kit and Sensor for Gas Metering

Figure 2. Hardware Kit with Installed Sensors

  1. Mount the Attune Hardware Kit on the wall near to the gas meter using four mounting screws.

  2. Mount the sensor on the gas meter as flush as possible using the provided zip-ties. Mounting location is determined by the type of meter.

    1. Diaphragm Gas Meters: Install sensor in the center of either the front or back of the meter.

    2. Rotary Gas Meters: Install Sensor on meter chamber next to meter readout

    Figure 3. Sensor installation locations for diaphragm (left) and rotary (right) gas meters

  3. Wire the sensor back to the Hardware Kit

    1. The sensor cables come with 30ft of lead but can be extended up to 200ft if required by using an ethernet cable and the provided ethernet coupler.

  4. Remove the lid of the Hardware Kit

  5. Feed the ethernet end of the sensor through the cable gland on the hardware kit, plug it into the sensor board, and tighten the cable gland all the way

    1. Keep track of which sensors are connected to which sensor boards if installing more than one in a single kit. Sensor boards correspond to bridge channels from left to right (i.e. the leftmost sensor board is channel one and so on)

    Figure 4. Open Hardware Kit with Sensor Boards Outlined in Red


  1. Connect the Hardware Kit to power and ensure you can see it online in the System Status page in the Attune platform. If it does not come online, relay(s) may be required to aid the connection.

  2. Rename the pulse channels in the Module Configuration page to indicate the channel that corresponds to the connected meter(s).

  3. Indicator lights will come on for the sensor board(s) which show status and incoming pulses when gas flow is detected

  4. Make sure the 1x pulse light blinks. This ensures the sensor boards are reading the meter pulses. (You may need to wait a bit depending on the gas usage rate and pulse constant)

  5. Go to the Meters App in the Attune platform to set up a Pulse Based Meter that transforms your raw pulses into usable data. (Attune will provide the pulse constant configuration for this step)

  6. If possible, verify the given pulse constant by tracking the meter usage along with the 1x pulse blinks on the sensor board.

    1. The number of blinks should match up with the given pulse constant.

    2. If the meter is not currently running, two reading can be taken at separate times to confirm the pulse constant

  7. If the measured pulse constant does not match the given pulse constant please contact Attune support.

  8. Replace the Hardware Kit lid once configuration is complete

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